Fearless by Max Lucado

  I am reviewing this book for Booksneeze.com.  The cover of “Fearless” shows a cute boy of about eight jumping into a huge lake joyfully and not scrambling. If that was me, I would be moving like a freak ;afraid of drowning.  How would you react to the giant lake called life in front of you? I am not a Christian and I have never heard of Max Lucado, nor read any of his other books. The point of this book is not letting fear paralyze you. 

  As a non-christian , I found this book to be full of good examples. Mr. Lucado uses real life examples and from the bible to point out how fear causes more problems than anything. As a preacher, Max Lucado doesn’t overkill you with massive amounts of gospel. I prefer his non-aggressive preachiness.

  Jesus is used as the main example of calmness. Asleep during a hurricane on a boat, while the apostles are screaming. Relaxed and not worried about how he is going to feed 100 or so people with some fish and bread. Even Jesus had his moments of doubt and fear, right before his death. Caring and patient when being doubted.

  One tidbit Lucado shared that stuck with me was the story of how fear imagined killed men, women , and children in England during World War 2 . They heard an air strike, it wasn’t real. In their fear, many people panicked and started pushing . This resulted in many people being crushed.  How many times a day are you inundated with bad news and threats of war and fear? Read this book to take a break from the barrage of negativity.

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